
learning with insight

CyberSummit 2015

Held at the Banff Center from September 28 to 30, some of our researchers had the opportunity to attend as well as to present at the CyberSummit 2015. David Boulanger and Jeremie Seanosky gave a 3-hour workshop on Big Data Learning Analytics with OpenACRE. Their presentation has been extremely well received and the feedback was…
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AU Grad Conference 2015

Held from September 25 to 27, the AU Graduate Student Conference provided students with the opportunity to enjoy an enriching experience of sharing research ideas with fellow students as well as faculty. Many researchers within our Learning Analytics research group were able to attend and enjoyed some time together!

Data Sciences – The New Analytics Paradigm, New Webinar Hosted by Xtalks

TORONTO, ON–(Marketwired – October 12, 2015) – Access to data and key information for the purpose of Analytics has been a constant in the Pharmaceutical / Life Sciences / Health Care industries, and this has been true for a great deal of time. Recent industry challenges such as declining R&D productivity, increased levels of regulatory…
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Dr. Kinshuk’s Visit to Tianjin School Division

由和平区教育信息化管理中心创办的和平教育信息化微信公众号(微信号为:hpjyxxh),重点推送目前教育信息化相关政策法规、国际前沿的技术应用、各类教育信息化相关案例及区内信息化建设的宝贵经验分享等。 2015年9月8日,和平区教育局召开了智慧教育示范区国际交流研讨会。加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学计算机和信息系统学院院长Kinshuk教授现场做了专题报告。   See more pictures and read full article!

Interview with Dr. Kinshuk at the Voice Magazine

The Associate Dean of AU’s Faculty of Science, Dr. Kinshuk, currently holds an NSERC/iCORE/Xerox/Markin Industrial Research Chair for Adaptivity and Personalization in Informatics, and has more than 300 research publications in referreed journals. With all this going on, The Voice Magazine is very happy that he was able to take the time to be interviewed…
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Interview at The Voice Magazine with Dr. Kumar

The Voice Magazine previously interviewed Dr. Kumar in April of 2014. That interview looked more at his background, while this time, Marie Well interviews him about some of this theories and accomplishments. The full interview in PDF Interview Part 1 Interview Part 2 Interview Part 3

IEEE Spectrum June: Hacking the Human OS

How Big Data Will Revolutionize Medicine Read full article

Big Data in Education

Big Data in Education, the MOOC on methods for educational data mining, is re-launching on EdX starting July 1st. Learn how and when to use key methods for educational data mining and learning analytics on large-scale educational data. Education is increasingly occurring online or in educational software, resulting in an explosion of data that can…
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We Know How You Feel

Computers are learning to read emotion, and the business world can’t wait. Three years ago, archivists at A.T. & T. stumbled upon a rare fragment of computer history: a short film that Jim Henson produced for Ma Bell, in 1963. Henson had been hired to make the film for a conference that the company was…
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Education Technology and the 21st Century Skills Gap

Today’s fast-changing world requires students who not only possess strong skills in areas such as language arts, math, and science but must also be adept at skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, persistence, collaboration, and curiosity. The requisite twenty-first-century skills fall into three broad categories: foundational literacies, competencies, and character qualities. (See the exhibit…
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