Dr. Vive Kumar has been promoted to Full Professor position!
Dr. Kumar joined Athabasca University in 2008. Over the years, he has emerged as international leader in learning analytics. Vive(k)’s research centers around Technology-Enhanced Teaching, Learning, and Research that extends to mixed-initiative human-computer interaction, causal modelling, model tracing, automated instructional design, lifelong learning, cognitive modelling of self-regulated and co-regulated learning, semantics of online learning interactions, and competency modelling in portfolios. Vive(k) has been successful in attracting major research funds from NSERC, SSHRC, and BCKDF. He is active in the research community with quality publications, service contributions to journals and conferences, funding proposal reviews for NSERC, and establishing Indo-Canadian collaborative research. His personal interests include social impact of science fiction, empowerment of women through information and communication technologies, and comparative analyses of native cultures. See Vive’s profile here.